Fashion and Beauty Influencer and Former BBNaija housemate, Khloe has shared her thoughts on Simi’s new song, ‘Duduke.’
According to Khloe, the song tickles her ovaries every time she listens to it.

”Morning blues
“Am I the only one in love with #duduke, the song is tickling my ovaries … so I have a particular song I said I ll play for my child when I give birth and that’s “ONLY ONE” by Kanye.”Now I have a pregnancy period song Duduke by @symplysimi . Na husband remain … 2nd slide is ASA “Murder in the USA from her recent album Lucid .. I literally have all Asa’s songs and live performances on my phone . I love me some ASA .. —- I always dream of being an artist but my voice took that dream from me”