Few hours after their colleague labelled one of them “a snake”, Big Brother Naija reality TV stars, Khafi and Tacha resorted to fervent prayers against people who don’t want them to rest.
Jackye Madu had hosted a question and answer session on her Instagram page, with her followers and was rather blunt with her answers.

A follower asked the ‘Tech queen’ if she was still friends with Khafi, and her response seems as one who still holds grudges against the latter.
“I don’t like snakes”, she stated.
It should be recalled that while in the house, Jackye made claims that she’d been feeling bad omen around Tacha and thought of her as a witch – she backed up her claim by stating that she saw fetish items with Tacha which made her speculate.

Well, Khafi… on her Instagram page, not too long ago, held a prayer session with her followers on the live feature and one of the people who featured in the session was Tacha.
In course of their prayer, which was anchored by Tacha, they’re heard praying fervently against “witches and wizards” who don’t want them to rest… praying that God takes away good fortune from them if they don’t want others to have good fortune.
The prayer points certainly shouldn’t be unconnected with the fact that Jackye took a swipe against them… Watch the video below,
Hahahaha, Tacha the drama doll