A doctor identified by his handle on Twitter as @DrOlufunmilayo has stated that it’s senseless for people who are struggling to raise money in order to purchase gifts for ex-BBN housemates.

This is coming after fans of the Shine Ya Eye housemates blessed their faves with numerous gifts as a way of expressing their love.
According to the doctor, it makes no sense for someone who is struggling to also donate money and buy gifts for the ex-housemates who have just been ushered into fame and riches courtesy of the show.
In his words:
“How do poor Nigerians raise money to buy iPhone13/house for a BBN housemate who already made money from the show?
I can’t tell you what to do with your money. But I really find it curious when mostly poor people raise money to support the luxury lifestyle of people already rich.
Come on, think about it.
If you are poor and struggling but you are raising money for an actual greater good, then it’s very noble and sensible. If it is money to help some kids in hospitals or some orphans under a bridge, that makes a whole lot of sense.
But to take from your hard-earned money as a poor struggling person to support the luxury lifestyle of a reality show housemate who has already won a lot of money from the game (and will still win more after the game from endorsements and adverts);
My brother this makes no sense.
When you really think about it,
It makes zero logical sense.
BBN automatically launches people into fame, spotlight and many times opportunities for wealth than many average fans and viewers like you and I can ever have in our entire lives.
You may not like it. But it’s a fact.
It’s okay to root for someone.
It’s okay to support someone.
It’s okay to even fight online for someone. If you feel the need to.
But where I draw the line is taking from your little savings as a poor person to fund the luxury lifestyle of someone who is already richer than you.
If you are poor, you are struggling, and you have no savings in a country like Nigeria- you can NOT afford to be making stupid decisions with money.
It is your money yes.
It is your life yes.
You can do whatever you want with it yes.
But pls be wise and be sensible.
I beg you.
And again, just for the benefit of those who are wilfully blind and deliberately missing the point:
I’m not writing for the rich- or for those who are well to do. I can’t be bothered what you do with your money. I don’t care.
I only care about those who are poor and struggling.”
See tweets below: