HOW TO GENERATE USEFUL BUSINESS is a big task and we need to live in the idea age.
company succeed because of great ideas and some go bankrupt because of lack of ideas.
to generate useful business you need to focus on the three factors:
- Activate your super fast brain
- Copy ideas
- Implement idea with little risk
1: activate your super fast brain

the two hemispheres side of the brain is (conscious mind)left and the right ( subconscious mind) research studied and confirmed that our creative right brain is at least two million faster that the analytical left brain side .
The analytical left brain is responsible for judging, self monitoring, & internal dialogue.
it prevent you from saying every thing you think and doing every thing you consider.
the right brain is responsible for generating new creative ideas, in fact the left brain is blocking the right the right brain from doing it’s work
so if you want generate useful business you need to learn how to turn your analytical left brain off and let the subconscious mind to think.
when you think about a task , money idea will come to you
avoid judging and evaluating an idea moment it pops up in your head because it will limit your creative subconscious mind.
give each idea a chance to live before criticizing it, you will have multiple multiple opportunities to judge your ideas later.
2: copy ideas

new ideas are combination or modification of existing ideas, all innovators copy idea from each other and innovate on top of them
don’t thrive to create the most original idea, thrive to create the best product and service on the market.
leave and copy great ideas as much as possible, it is essential for creating excellent ideas and yours success in business.
3: implement ideas with little risk

only the market can make the final decision of whether the idea is viable so the the best way to see if an idea is worth of that is to significant investment of time and money is to be implement with the risk.
by testing your ideas before implementing them on a large scale. you minimize the loss in case of failure.