How can i utilize my opportunity? of course people said opportunity comes but once.
but the question is how can it utilize it when it comes? opportunity appear as something that is not real and disgusting, something you see and feel tired and nothing will come out from it, that is how opportunity looks like.
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question is why some people recognise opportunity and some don’t?
It seems that successful people around us manage to grab opportunity out of thin air and writing success out of the. If you are one of those millions people around the world who are waiting for an opportunity to take their life to another level then this is for you.
How can i utilize my opportunity?
See The End Not The Beginning
What does opportunity look like ? opportunity almost always look irrelevant. You have to look beyond on what you see and take advantage of whatever appear irrelevant, they often look insignificant, small and frequently, challenging.
We are all face with a series of great opportunities, brilliantly disguised as impossible situations ( chuck swindoll ).
The first key, then, to recognising opportunities is to believe that only you decide what is a problem and what is an opportunities
how you respond to circumstance determine whether they become opportunity to advance yourself, your career and your lifestyle. for Example someone may come to you with a brand new business idea.
idea that seems feasible but with an intimidating by the cost. The first thing you should do is to think of the end result, how you can use that opportunity to advance yourself, career lifestyle , ETC.
when you see what you can accomplish with the business idea then, you can plan strategically towards achieving it. it will be unwise to expose this idea to other people.
When you receive an idea , give it time to settle down, take root and grow deep down into your consciousness where it is impossible to uproot then you can shave it with other like-minded people.
A careless word of criticism from your best friend may sow seeds of doubt in your mind and rends your idea impotent, neutralize your passion for it and cause you to eventually kill that possible.
it is your responsible to perfect your idea and decide what is a problem and what is an opportunity. Mary people are struggling in life because they missed out on opportunities they ought not to have because, they failed to see the end.
they failed to recognize their opportunities because of fear and criticism most often when someone remark, ” i wish i had the opportunity” they really mean they missed the same opportunity. we must have a sense of adventure rather than intimidation.
Human nature tends to first react with intimidation rather than with adventure. Intimidation primary rule is to rob you of opportunity
Spot Opportunity Early
Another idea on How can i utilize my opportunity? Spot opportunities early because early adopters win.
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Let me illustrate this for you:
In 2004, Mark zuckerberg, then a student at Harvard University, developed and launched Facebook social media. facebook became a multibillion dollar company and the most popular social network with 750 million active user in 2010.
In 2006, having just graduated from ST. Petersburg state University, Pavel Durov adopted the idea of facebook for Russian – speaking country and launched Vkontakte social network.
In 2012 VKontakte became the 19th most visited website in the world and the second popular social network in Europe. Many thousand of people worldwide copied the idea of facebook and launched their own social network very few of which became popular.
You might ask, what is the different between Pavel Durov and thousand of other people who launched their social network but failed to make them successful?
Pavel Durov was one of the fast users of Facebook. He noticed the potential of the social network. idea far before Facebook became known by millions of people around the world.
The earlier you see a potential in a particular idea, The more value you will get from adopting it, Once it turn into billion- dollar business it might be too late to develop a successful because by adopting it.
Become an early adopter of new service and product at the stage when they are only the way to being widely used.