1. Never mock a person who has faith in God even you are an atheist. This is another way to say have regards for what people believe in.
When you respect peoples’ opinions about what they believe in, you too will be respected for what you consider supreme and worthy of your praise.
Think about the world and what it will look like if everyone had one thought about everything if everyone believes in only one religion, can you make out anything good from it?
Most people who have disregards for what other people believe in are people who have not come close to know what their religion is all about. Yet this will surely affect their interactions with people in their day to day activities, that one might question to know your religion so as to ascertain the level of interactions that will be allowed.
2. Never smoke for fun.
This is one of the things you should never do in life. If you do once, you can easily be addicted to smoking and spoil your life.
You must have heard about the dangerous effect of smoking and numerous warnings from the ministry of health in your country that smokers are liable to die you, yet you want to try it for fun?
According to Wikipedia on the psychology of smoking, Behavioural research generally indicates that teenagers begin their smoking habits due to peer pressure, and cultural influence portrayed by friends. However, one study found that direct pressure to smoke cigarettes played a less significant part in adolescent smoking, with adolescents also reporting low levels of both normative and direct pressure to smoke cigarettes. Mere exposure to tobacco retailers may motivate smoking behaviour in adults.
A similar study suggested that individuals may play a more active role in starting to smoke than has previously been thought and that social processes other than peer pressure also need to be taken into account. Another study’s results indicated that peer pressure was significantly associated with smoking behaviour across all age and gender cohorts, but that intrapersonal factors were significantly more important to the smoking behaviour of 12- to 13-year-old girls than same-age boys. Within the 14- to 15-year-old age group, one peer pressure variable emerged as a significantly more important predictor of girls’ than boys’ smoking.
From the above, one can easily conclude the impact of peer pressure in smoking and that is why trying to join friends in having fun is nice, but trying something unusual like smoking can get you trapped.
Many people who are addicted to smoking today, started from testing what it feels like to smoke and today they can’t go back on smoking.
3. Never be surrounded by failed people when you fail in life.
No one hopes to be a failure but in most cases, it happens like an accident to us, and if we can’t prevent it, it comes but when it does we can remedy it depending on the type of people we surround ourselves with.
There are a number of people who believe in the saying, “It has been so” people of this nature do not accept change easily, their thoughts are engraved on failures, and if you surround yourself with them when you fail, you will further be dragged down in failure.
This is just like seeking a piece of relationship advice from a divorcee, the divorcee will give you thousands if not millions of reasons to quit yours, always keep people with good vibes around you.
4. Never work hard.
You should not take working hard as an encouragement rather suffering, there are a good number of persons out there who are very unable to draw a parallel line between working hard and suffering.
Working hard sounds positive but if you do it will be a burden on your shoulder. Work smart, not hard.
According to Charles Darwin in his Theory of Species, it is not the strongest or largest of the species that survives, but one most responsive to change.
Been responsive to change, is been smart, knowing what to do at different times and how well to do them, makes you a smart person. The world-known successful persons are also known for their smartness to utilize opportunities or even create one when none is available.
5. Never emphasize your work over your family.
No matter what type of job you do or how much you get paid doing it, remember it is family first, your wife and children are more important than everything in this world. You should always make out time to have nice moments with your family members, this is a way of giving back and building a great sense of belonging.
A good start is making out time to hang around with them at the beach, shopping mall or jug around interesting places or even go on tourism.