FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE is something middle class people lack when talking about brokers. The question is those money make you rich? The answer is ‘NO then if yes Let’s discuss about the issue
’ Money alone doesn’t make you rich. we know people go to work everyday for money and making more money, but fail to become richer.
Even though, you think money only make rich, then I think, you need to hear the stories of lottery winner, instant millionaire, who instantly poor again.
The right answer is “FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE“
Ultimately, it is your financial intelligence and your financial IQ that makes you rich.
READ MORE: how to generate business idea
Poor, middle class and rich man have money problem. The problem with the poor and middle class is they don’t have enough money. The rich have problem of too much money. Both are real and legitimate problem.
The question is, which do you want? If you want the problem of having too much money, please read on and become richer by becoming smarter.
1. Making more money.

Most of us have enough money financial intelligence to make money. The more you make money, the higher your financial IQ on making money.
In order to become wealthy, you must come to term with the fact that problems will never go away. In our generation there are trillions of way to make money , if not infinite problem to solve.
The more problem you solve, the richer you will become. The big problem you solve, the richer you will become. Many people want to get paid for doing nothing, and are unwilling to solve any problem.
Of you want to earn more money, then become capitalist. Simply, capitalist is someone who recognise a problem and creates a product or service to address that problem.
(And you are willing to make me another content on CAPITALIST then leave your comment and i will do)
Even you aren’t solving any money problem. Simply start with small money problem like paying bills, etc then entry in CAPITALIST.

protecting your money from financial vampires are important. The world is filled with people and organisation waiting for the opportunity to help themselves to your money. Many of these people and organisation are very smart and powerful and they are Banker and Government.
Government continuously take your hard earn money by increasing taxes rate and number of taxes. In America, Employees paid 50% tax, self-employed paid 60% tax, Businessman paid 20% an Investor paid 0%. In every country, Businessman and Investor paid less taxes. If you are thinking, Why Businessman and Investor paid less taxes. Simply because they are the backbone of the country economy.
Banks were created to protect the money from bandits. But what if your banker were also a bandits? A banker doesn’t have to put his hands on your pocket. You take out your money from your pocket with own hands and turn it over to the bankers. I am telling this because bank return your money at 7% Interest but inflation hit at 10% .
So, you are winning the game in imagination but losing the game in reality.
And, now you are thinking to become Businessman and Investor. That’s pretty move, do it.
[ Note:- you can save your some money, paying bills on time and avoid the fine.]
I think you learned level 1 and level 2 and you are ready to play level 3.

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, “budget is an amount of money available for spending that is based on a plan for how it will spend” when I read this, I can’t understand. But one thing I understand from my own experience is this, ‘Budget is a plan’ we made to become rich. But most people use their budget as a plan to become poor or middle class rather than a plan to become wealthy.
There are two types of budget.
- Budget deficit:- In Barron’s finance and investment handsome states“Excess of spending over income for government, corporation or individual”. I just read this statement in flow of read, and notice ‘Excess of spending over income’ in that statement. And that means spending more than you make. This is one and only reason reason why most people died in broke? I am stopping this topic here. This is not important. The important is Budget Surplus, that is second type of budget.
- Budget surplus Barron’s states, “Excess of income over spending for a government, corporation or individual over a certain period of time.” And now you noticed here, ‘Excess of income over spending’. This doesn’t necessarily mean Living below own mean. The Barron’s doesn’t say a surplus is due to reduction of spending. It does mean focusing on creating excess income.
Follow these two tips on making budget surplus
A.Pay Yourself First:
This doesn’t mean take out 3% from your income and invest on buying clothes. That means take out 3% and invest on making money.
B: Spent to get rich:
simply, it means create Business or become capitalist.
Before leaving you, I want to leave with you story.
A friend of mine is a golf fanatic. He spends thousands of dollar a year on new club and every new golf gadget that comes to market.
The problem is , he will spent a dime on golf lesson. Hence, his golf game remain same even though he has that latest and greatest golf gadget. If he invest his money in golf lesson and used last year’s club, he might be a much better golfer.
Only Information isn’t help you to make rich.
Take Information,
Take Action,
Grab the Opportunity
And become RICH
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