Got a business Idea? i have question to ask you, How old are you and how long the idea has been coming to your mind?
I know you will be confuse but the fact is that “have you experienced poverty? Have you become rich in your past life but later you become poor?
LEARN MORE: how to generate business idea
i think you need to grab this Billionaire’s mindset. raising money is Easy i know you can quote me wrong but i will hit the point in a lay man language.
you have been spending at least $3 daily? but your daily income is $7 dollar. Now assuming you wake up in the morning, getting ready to go to shop, Eat breakfast, Then you next destination is at your shop. You makes sales and supplies.
later late hour you came back with $4 dollar. have you sat and think what have been eating up your $3 dollar daily? ok now lets calculate.
- transport 50 cent
- going back transport 50 cent
- launch food 1dollar
- help to people that that is in needy 50 cent
- girlfriend miscellaneous money 2 dollar daily
sometimes being a cheerful giver is part of you being broke, yes but the most that suck your money is girlfriend stuff, Now being broke and mingling with broke guys around you makes you a tout, come think of spending a lady you called your girlfriend $2dollar daily is much stupid than being a tout.
your girlfriend is broke and you are managing you peanut yet you spend almost quarter of what you have to a broke girl, those that make any sense?
is more deadly than being with a broke guys, i will rather spend the less peanut that i have to my guys than a girl.
your business mindset have to do with, if i spend on this what benefit is my return. assuming you keep saving that little $2 dollar for one year that $2 dollar multiply by 365 days approximate to $730 dollar, And you will call that a peanut?
is only a fool that don’t value a change and shall remain poor for the days of his life.
that’s the secret while successful people keep on booming everyday by day, is easy to think but to implement it and a habit in your life is hard, What seems to be hard use to be the best of all.
If you pass these tests, you will have a business with the potential to be big, that offers something unique, and is hitting the market at the right time. Then you have to be ready for the pain. No entrepreneur anticipates or wants pain, but pain is the reality of starting something new. It is unavoidable.
Billionaire Stephen A. Schwarzman says
Build the Right Team
Real companies don’t just happen. Raising money and recruiting good people is very hard. Even when you are small, though, and your resources most constrained, finding the right people is the most important thing you can do. You typically won’t have access to the best, who are working elsewhere at much higher compensation levels. You have to make do with the people you get. That means, at a minimum, you must reduce your criteria to a simple question: Does this person have the same zealous commitment to the mission of this business as you do?
When Phil Knight was building Nike, he hired other distance runners to work with him because he knew that whatever they lacked in terms of business knowledge, they made up for in stamina. They would never give up. They would take the pain and make it to the end of the race despite the situation.
I will rather advice you to be more joviar to the guys than hooking up with girls. that’s the only Billionaire’s mindset that work perfect you can learn from.
dailycashdollar cares.