Nollywood actor, Williams Uchemba has revealed how God blessed him with two SUVs after he spent his money on a church project.

Taking to his Instagram page, the actor showed off the two SUVs he bought.
According to him, he donated a certain amount of money for a church project and after a month of doing so, God blessed him with the two gifts.
Sharing the photos, Williams Uchemba wrote:
“I want to thank God for giving me the resources to buy the Camera I used to snap this picture, and because there is a wife around, we got two Cameras. And to wifey don’t worry this camera is not your birthday present.

OK on a Serious note.
Lasr month I wanted to buy an SUV (because you need one in Lagos especially if you are always at a Site) and that same period a church building project came up. So I was left with the choice of either buying my SUV or giving the money for the church of God to be completed (where people’s life will be changed for good and souls saved).

So I was led in my spirit to give it for the church project and used the rest to buy a car for someone who didn’t have one. A month later God blessed me with Two SUVs at once.
In as much as I am writing this with a heart of gratitude to God I am also not surprised because this is not the first time God has done something like this. The problem is we (especially this generation) have allowed distractions to blind us from what the word of God is saying about our lives and the promises that come with it.

We have been chasing shadows, seeking wealth in the wrong places and neglecting the purpose for which God has created us, we have completely forgotten Matthew 6:33.
We have allowed people that claim to know God but contradict His words lead a lot of people far away from the kingdom of God discouraging them from giving to God and honoring his prophets. Some even call Christianity a “white man’s religion” and try to deceive people to go back to idol worship.
Listen to me ladies and gentlemen I am a product of Grace, His words, and the blessings he has given me through the prophets He has placed in my life. The word of God still works tremendously as it has been from the beginning for those that believe and have chosen to walk with him.

Stop playing religion and find God in spirit and truth, stop listening to people that only talk but don’t even have their lives together. There is a lot God wants to do with you and for you but you need to have a relationship with him and know his words for yourself. Jesus Still saves, all you have to do is accept him as your lord and savior.”