Social media has a why of putting pressure on people to do more than their abilities.
Not too long, Popular Comic Actor, known as Okon Lagos, shared some before and after photos of himself on the gram, and this came as an inspiration to many.

Apparently, the actor has been busy in the gym, and he insinuated that he shed a considerable amount of belly fat.
A twitter who was proud of him, shared the screenshot of the photos he shared on his page, but then.. folks started calling him out for faking the weightloss, and sucking belle.
“This can’t be true ooo… I saw this man early November in uniben and he was still like that… How come he burned all those fat in a month… It will be cool if it’s true sha”, the twitter user quipped.

Another Twitter user who claims saw the actor not too long also wrote; “This is him at a burial yesterday. I Have no reason to make this up. Late Madam Lucy Odili burial on Saturday. My friend who’s an MC was on stage with him, Charles Awurum etc.”